kinetic adj. 1.【物理学】动力(学)的,运动的。 2.活动的,活跃的,能动的,有力的。 kinetic friction 动摩擦。 the kinetic molecular theory 分子运动论。 kinetic theory of heat [gases] 热[气态]运动论。 a man of kinetic energy [force] 精力充沛的人。
An example is the kinetic theory of gases . 一个例子是气体的运动理论。
The kinetic theory of gases is the best known example . 气体动力学理论就是最有名的例子。
Analyses of shock structure based on the kinetic theory of gases have been completed . 根据气体动力学理论分析激波结构的工作已经完成了。
Foundamental equation of kinetic theory of gases 气体分子运动论的基本方程
Kinetic theory of gases 气体运动论
British astronomer , physicist , and mathematician noted for his work on the kinetic theory of gases and his investigations into the relationships between mathematical concepts and the natural world 詹姆斯,詹姆斯?霍普伍德1877 1946英国天文学家、物理学家和数学家。以气体动力学的研究和探索数学同自然界之间的关系著称
The numerical solutions obtained in computation of riemann problem are satisfied . hyperbolic conservation laws with stiff source terms could describe the effect of relaxation as in the kinetic theory of gases , water waves and traffic flows , etc . the gauss schemes with staggered grids for hyperbolic conservation laws are applied to solve hyperbolic conservation laws with stiff source terms , a class high resolution schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws with stiff source terms are presented . these schemes are the second order accurate and tvd under the restriction of cfl condition , convergence of these schemes are proved 本文将求解双曲守恒律方程的交错网格的gauss型差分格式,应用于求解含有刚度源项的双曲守恒律,构造了一类具有高分辨,计算简便等优点的求解含有刚度源项的双曲守恒律的交错网格的gauss型差分格式,证明该格式为一致二阶精度的格式,证明了该格式在cfl条件限制下为tvd格式,并证明了该格式的收敛性。
(physics) a theory that gases consist of small particles in random motion 同义词:kinetic theory,